World Breastfeeding Week is held in the first week of August every year, supported by the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and many Ministries of Health and civil society partners around the world.

This year, the theme is ‘Closing the gap: Breastfeeding support for all’ and the campaign will celebrate breastfeeding mums in all their diversity, throughout their breastfeeding journeys, while showcasing the ways families, societies, communities and health workers can have the back of every breastfeeding mum.
The campaign highlights what is needed for mums:
- Support for women to breastfeed anytime, anywhere, so that it is normalised and not censured in public life
- Effective maternity entitlements that do not force women to choose between their families and their work
- Trained health professionals who can provide helpful, respectful breastfeeding support
- An end to exploitative baby-milk promotions in all contexts
And here are some tips on how to support breastfeeding mothers in the workplace:
Create a Supportive Policy Framework: The foundation of support begins with robust, clear, and inclusive policies. These policies should outline the rights of breastfeeding mothers, providing them with the necessary time and space to express milk. Importantly, policies should be communicated clearly to all employees, ensuring understanding and support across the organisation.
Provide Adequate Facilities: A key component of supporting breastfeeding mothers is providing dedicated, private rooms, which should be comfortable, clean, and equipped with essential amenities such as electrical outlets for breast pumps, seating, and refrigeration for storing milk.
Offer Flexible Work Schedules: Flexibility in work schedules can significantly ease the challenges faced by breastfeeding mothers. Studios could offer flexible hours or remote work options to accommodate breastfeeding schedules. Allowing mothers to take short breaks to express milk or adjusting their work hours can make a substantial difference in their ability to balance work and breastfeeding responsibilities.
Educate and Train Staff: Studios should provide training for managers and HR personnel on the importance of breastfeeding support and how to implement policies effectively. Awareness programmes can also help dispel myths and create a culture of understanding and support among all employees. When everyone in the workplace understands the benefits and needs of breastfeeding mothers, it creates a more inclusive and supportive environment.
If your studio would like to show support to the campaign, you can find more information here, including materials. Use the hashtags #WorldBreastfeedingWeek #TogetherForMoms
To read Empower Up’s guide to Parenting, Childcare and Caring, click here.
Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash