Setting Clear, Actionable Objectives

Embarking on an EDI initiative is a commendable endeavour for any company. However, simply stating a desire to ‘improve diversity’ is akin to a ship setting sail without a destination. For the journey to be successful, one needs a clear map and measurable markers. Let’s dive into how studios can chart this course effectively by setting actionable objectives.

Representation Goals

The essence of clear objectives lies in their specifics. Generic aims like ‘we need more diversity in leadership’ might reflect good intentions but lack the precision necessary for implementation. Instead, dive deeper into understanding where the gaps are.

For instance, if a company’s leadership predominantly comprises of one gender, then a goal could be: ‘Increase the number of women in leadership roles by 20% in the next two years’. Such a clear target not only provides a benchmark for recruitment efforts but also allows for measurable progress.

Similarly, if a programming team displays limited ethnic diversity, objectives could be tied to recruiting from more diverse talent pools, partnering with diverse games organisations, or setting up internship opportunities for under-represented communities.

Inclusivity Index: Quantifying the Intangible

While representation talks about the diversity seen at a glance, inclusivity delves into the less tangible – how employees feel. An ‘Inclusivity Index’ can be a game-changer here. By measuring factors like employee satisfaction, sense of belonging, and comfort levels in the workplace, companies get a numerical insight into their inclusive efforts.

Creating or adopting such an index provides a quantifiable goal that can be tracked year-on-year. For instance, if the index shows a score of 70 out of 100, the aim could be to increase it by 5 points annually. This not only shows commitment, but also ensures regular check-ins on the health of the company’s inclusivity.

Review and Revise: The Evolving Nature of Goals

The path of EDI is not linear, nor is it static. As companies grow, diversify, and evolve, their goals too must reflect these changes. The feedback loop, formed by listening to employee sentiments and tracking the progress of set objectives, provides invaluable insights into the success and potential areas of improvement in the EDI initiatives.

A bi-annual or annual review of the objectives ensures that they remain relevant. Were the targets met? If yes, it’s a cue to set more ambitious goals. If not, understanding the reasons will provide actionable insights. Perhaps there are unforeseen challenges that need addressing, or maybe the company’s efforts weren’t as robust as they should have been. Regardless, regular reviews ensure that the company remains on the right track, adapting and pivoting as necessary.

Setting off on your EDI journey with clear, actionable objectives is not just a strategic move but also a demonstration of genuine commitment. It sends a clear message to both current and potential employees: the company is not here for mere lip service to diversity; it’s here to create measurable change.

By setting specific, actionable goals for your EDI programme, you’re ensuring that your company is not just talking the talk but walking the walk towards a more inclusive future.

Get started in your organisation

Fiona Housiaux

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